Thursday, September 10, 2009

One week away

One more week before the bbq chicken sale to raise money for Jennifer's scholarship. 

I met with the lady from ECU yesterday to get the final paperwork done and pick up some more flyers. 

I feel a little better about things today. I think in the end, Jennifer's scholarship will be a success and it won't be because of anything I've done but because of the type of person she was and the impression she left on others. And since that was why I did this scholarship to begin with, I feel good about that. 

I'm still nervous about the chicken sale though. I've never done this type of thing before and am a little nervous about how everything will go. I worry we won't have enough plates then I worry we'll have way too much left over. But in the end, I'm sure everything will work itself out. 

On another note, I should have 3 books waiting for me when I get home tonight. I ordered Nicholas Sparks' new one, Jane Green's latest one and an updated book on the GRE. I've thought about taking the GRE and just seeing what my score is. If UNC ever gets that online master's program, then I'll be ready to apply. If I don't in, I don't get in but I can't keep putting this off because of fear. I'm going to at least try to further my education. If UNC won't let me in, then I'll go somewhere that will. It'll be their loss. 

I'm worried about taking the GRE though. I'm really bad at those type of tests and didn't do so hot on my SAT's so I can't imagine I'll do good on the GRE. But that's what this book will be for, I suppose so maybe I can study that really hard and do okay. 

I may not be posting anything on here again until after the fundraiser so my next post will hopefully be one on how well we did with the chicken plate sale!!!

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