Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Has it been 9 months yet?

Ok, so I am really not digging this whole waking up nauseated thing. It's getting old fast. And I'm really not digging the actual throwing up part either. Thanks little baby. I hope this doesn't go on for 9 months. 

I can't believe how sick I am when I'm not even that far along. I mean, I feel like crap. Aside from the nausea, I am extremely tired and my emotions are all out of whack. I have strange emotions anyway. But now, I feel like bursting out crying at any minute. Then 2 seconds later, I am full of joy and happy and other good things. I can already tell you, Allen is in for a treat. 

I had my first doctor's appointment today. I'm nervous. I don't like doctors. I definitely don't like gynecologists. I dread my annual "women's" checkup, I mean dread it! I don't like doctors poking me "down there" or "up there" or anywhere for that matter. But, I suppose I better get used to it. I had already decided that if they poked me too much today, I was going to beg them to at least poke Allen once somewhere, anywhere, just to make it fair. 

But they didn't poke me anywhere today. All we did today was talk to a nurse lady about our family medical history and about how the whole baby checkup thing would work. There are some concerns. Allen's family has some heart issues so we'll have to get a bunch of tests done when I'm further along to ensure the baby is okay. So keep your fingers crossed. And, since my dad is a diabetic and Allen's mom is as well, I have to get a diabetes test at my next appointment. I have to drink a 10 ounce bottle of crap before I take the test. Yuck. Then, I'll have to do it again when I'm further along. This way, they'll be able to really monitor if I develop gestational diabetes. They say some women become diabetics during pregnancy. But overall, the appointment went well and I got a bunch of free prenatal vitamins to try! Yay! And I got a book to look at. 

I know I have to lay off the caffeine. I haven't had but one full drink of any type with caffeine since I discovered I was pregnant. But before then, when I was pregnant but didn't know it, uh oh. I am addicted to caffeine so I am terrified I have already screwed up my child, exposing them to way too much caffeine. I'm trying hard to lay off but I'm not sure what else to drink. I've had apple juice, which I discovered has a crap load of sugar in it, chocolate milk (which is healthy aside from the chocolate part), koolaid with very little sugar and then water. NO COFFEE!! And I admit, I have taken sips of Mt. Dew just to get my "fix" but that's it, I swear. I feel okay about it too. I haven't gotten a caffeine headache yet and I don't feel irritated about giving up something I loved so much. Maybe this baby thing is gonna make me a lady afterall. 

On top of that, I have no idea what to eat. I have no clue what is good for the baby and what isn't. Luckily I'm craving apples and veggies so I'm sure that's okay but what about real food, like chicken and beef? Can I have cheeseburgers or tacos? I have no clue. 

I was hoping the doctor would give me some insight into what I can do to better nourish my little baby. And I hope I haven't done anything prior to knowing I was pregnant that could put him/her at risk. But I think I'm okay. I'm trying to eat better and I know what's at stake if I don't so I think I'll do okay. But someone needs to talk to Allen. Yesterday, he brought me a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. I was like, EWWW, get that away from me. I'm going to barf.  So he took it, looked at me like I was crazy and then he ate it himself. I guess he was shocked I wasn't craving sweets. Had it brought me a jar of pickles and a bag of carrots, I would have been happy. OH well, it's the thought that counts. And Allen has been really sweet to me. I think he feels bad that I am so sick. And HE SHOULD. This is all his fault!!!! 

Just kidding. 

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