Monday, February 7, 2011

Pregnancy brain and hairy body parts

So, I've been able to manage most of the crazy things that go along with being pregnant except for one; pregnancy brain.

They say pregnancy brain makes you forgetful and all sorts of things. I say it really means stupid. Being pregnant makes you stupid. Seriously.

I feel like the baby is sucking my brains out and because I have a job that utilizes my brain, or at least the creative writing side of it, it's not a good thing. I have horrible writer's block. It takes me twice as long to write a story now.

But on top of that, I'm doing really dumb things. Allen finds it amusing that I'm blaming the baby on my stupidity but it's true!

I don't even want to get up and go to work anymore because I know I'll sit and stare at my computer for hours trying to write one simple story that used to take minutes to actually write and maybe an hour to completely pull together. It's insane.

I need a more simpler job for now, one that you push a button and that's it. I couldn't possibly screw that up could I?

On top of the getting dumber everyday, Allen also pointed out to me this weekend that my stomach is hairy! Allen obviously hasn't been doing a good job over the past month of being the sympathetic husband of a pregnant woman. If he had just pointed it out, that would have been one thing, but instead, he pointed it out and was doubling over with laughter. He found it amusing that pregnancy had put hair on my stomach. I couldn't see it so I think he's lying but he swears its there. So now, on top of a fatter stomach and stretch marks, apparently, I can add hair to the list of unflattering attributes of my pregnant belly. And Allen claims that my hairy stomach means our baby will be hairy so I'll be giving birth to a little monkey. I told Allen I'd shave the baby or better  yet, I'd Nair him so he'd be all nice and smooth.

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