Saturday, June 18, 2011

Getting back to normal

Ok, so we've had little Corbin in our lives for almost 3 weeks now and it's been a life changing 3 weeks. The first week was pretty stressful. We were all adjusting to our new roles and I was recovering from the c-section so I could hardly do anything at all. I couldn't take care of my baby and that was hard to accept. On top of that, I have been unable to breastfeed and that's been disheartening as well.

I’ve never really been around babies so they are foreign to me.When Corbin cried and cried and cried those first nights, I had no idea what to do and it just freaked me out. Even though I’ve had 9 months to prepare for this, you are never truly prepared for life with a newborn.

So I had some struggles that put me in a little bit of a funk the first week. I felt helpless. I felt myself falling into a bit of postpartum depression but thankfully, I have a good support system and I was able to get through it and was for the most part back to normal by week 2.

Thank God for Allen. He’s been amazing through all of this. He’s somehow managed to take care of both of us and survive. I know he’s exhausted and this whole experience has truly made me realize how blessed I am. Corbin has made me fall in love with my husband all over again. I love to see Allen with Corbin. He looks at that little boy like he’s the most amazing thing.

We are finally adjusting and things are returning somewhat to normal. Corbin is starting to sleep more and we’re learning what he wants when he wants it.

I’m still dealing with an infection in my c-section. After everything else, I have to deal with this and it’s really annoying. I have to go to the doctor every other day and each time I go, I end up leaving in extreme pain and I stay in pain for at least a full day. It seems as if I still have a ways to go before I’m healed too.

We’ve discussed whether we want to have another kid after everything I’ve had to go through. Sometimes we say no but when I look at my little boy’s face, I know I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

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