Monday, March 12, 2012

Pretty weather is coming!

Having a little boy is exhausting! I wonder if having a little girl is a little calmer?

I love having a little boy, don't get me wrong, but man, he is a handful! He's always into something! This new crawling thing is wearing me out! Corbin is always on the go. I dread the day that boy walks! Then I'll really be wore out.

The past few weeks have brought about some really beautiful days. We've tried to take advantage of those days. The great thing about my job is that I don't have a set schedule. I don't work 8-5 every, single day. Some days I go in at 8, some 10 and I get off depending on what I have going on. So if it's a pretty day and Allen and Corbin are around, I can sneak away for a 2-hour lunch and we can go to the park! That's what we've done several days over the past few weeks.

It's also nice that Allen is only working part-time at the moment. He gets to stay home with Corbin and spend time with him but he can also bring him to visit me when it's nice out.

One day, we went on a picnic. Allen cooked us a nice lunch, we spread out a blanket (actually it was a rug!) and had lunch at the park. Corbin wasn't really that interested in the whole sitting still and eating thing, though he did sit and eat by himself for a while. Then he started throwing food everywhere. But nonetheless, it was a great day.

I love things like that. I love just hanging out at the park with Allen and Corbin. They played some and I watched, then we all played some and then we went on a walk. The park has a trail and since I'm trying to get back in shape and get healthier, they help motivate me to walk. I've done pretty good so far and though I haven't walked everyday, I've walked on most of the pretty days.

Corbin really likes to be outside which is great for Allen because he does too. It's great for me too because when Corbin is bigger, he can go outside with Allen and I can stay inside and rest!

I'm so excited about this Spring and Summer. We have so much we hope to do with Corbin this year. We want to take him to the beach and the zoo. And who knows what else. But those are the first two anyway. We also hope to get some stuff done on the outside of our house. That's exciting to me!

The pretty days and the long walks and outside time have really made me feel better. They've put a smile on my face. I just feel like I have more energy.

I hope I can stick to it. I want to be healthier and happier. Hopefully, I am off to a good start!

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