Friday, November 2, 2012

C-Section madness

So, yesterday I received, in the mail no less, an appointment card for my c-section.

Because of the complications with Corbin and the shape of my internal baby parts, I have to have another c-section. If I don't, there's a good chance the whole getting stuck thing will happen again and I'm not really up for another one of those adventures.

Anyway, I've been asking the doctor for months when we were going to schedule a date. Since I am having a c-section, I at least would like to have the pleasure of planning things a little better this go around. The doctor kept saying they'd get the nurse to get in touch with me. Well, that never happened, and now, all of a sudden, I have this card in the mail announcing my "date."

The date is December 21 at 7:30 a.m. My due date is December 22. Do you see the problem with this?

First of all, I thought I'd have somewhat of a say in the date. I was hopeful that we could sit down together and look at a calendar and pick the day this kid would be born but apparently, in Nash County, that's not the way it works.

The second issue is, well, how many people actually give birth on their due dates? UM hardly any! SO, waiting until the day before my due date is absolutely dumb. I am not going to make it that long, I can promise! This baby is coming early. In my opinion, I'll be lucky if he makes it to December. This means I'll have to go through all the crap of contractions and pain and maybe even the water breaking deal! This could all possibly end up as another emergency c-section and that was not fun and the end result was it was very painful.

I'm not sure what these people were thinking. But I go to the doctor next week and I am going to ask. I have no problem with December 21. Initially I was hopeful that could be a date we could pick. That is actually Allen's birthday and what better present to give him than a screaming, cute, little, squishy boy? So if the doctor's truly feel I can make it that long, then fine with me. But, I don't think I will. And that concerns me because another 40+ hour labor is not something I look forward to!

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