Monday, October 14, 2013

Little Miss Sunshine

Over the past year or two, I've had the pleasure of experiencing adoption. My cousin and her husband adopted a little girl, Janetta.

Janetta has been top secret, until recently. We couldn't post pictures of her on social media. Although she was my cousin's baby girl, technically, she belonged to the government. But, after a year, year and a half, of having Janetta, they were able to make it official on September 20.

It was a big to-do for my family. This is the second adoption we've made official this year! The first was another cousin in Ohio, who had been fostering a little boy for a few years. They were finally able to adopt the little fella. But for Janetta, because she is so close by, and her mom is like a sister to me, I really got to be a part of the process.

The process made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me happy and then on September 20, I did all those things!

Janetta is a special little girl. She was born with some health issues so anyone that was willing to take her on was taking on a challenge. Janetta had to have heart surgery and that, of course, was stressful. She also has down syndrome, which has slowed her development down just a little, though you couldn't tell it. All you can really see on Janetta is a big 'ole smile.

Adoption is a special thing. And it takes special people to not only adopt but to adopt someone with special needs. My cousin, Amy, certainly fits in that category of "special" and even though I'd like to make a joke about her "specialness," I really am serious. Amy is one of those people you become grateful for knowing.

Amy is a very patient, kind and giving person. And she is by far the perfect mother for Janetta. As is Amy's husband, Janetta's father, Jonathan.

God had their little life all mapped out. It was a roller coaster ride but He brought them to Janetta. I think they would say the moment they met her, they fell in love and knew she was their little girl.

Their story amazes me for so many reasons. It amazes me because it truly shows how amazing God is. Their story shows how faith can really move mountains! They almost didn't get Janetta. Our system of adoption sucks! It's a long story and it's one I'm not going to tell because it takes too long. But, Amy and Jonathan, and our entire family, prayed and prayed and prayed. I am not sure I've ever prayed about anything so hard before. But I prayed for them hard and I KNEW, I just knew God would answer our prayers. He had to.

And he did.

And now, Janetta is there's. She's like a little piece of sunshine for our family. We love all the little ones in our family but Janetta, there's just something special about her. I can't imagine anyone more perfect for her than Amy and Jonathan!

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