Monday, May 2, 2011

Anger and Pain

Well, I had an interesting weekend. On Friday night, I covered Nash County's Relay for Life. I enjoy covering this little event because it's nice to see so many people gather together for one cause. Everyone gets along and is happy and there is always something exciting to see. Usually Allen goes with me but this year, he didn't. At first, I was okay with that because he was supposed to be working on the house and his dad had come over to help him. Now, I've been pregnant for 8 months and his dad has not once come over to help the poor boy. And he needs help. So I was excited that they were going to get our house wired.

Part of the plan for that day was that they'd also get a little fishing in as well. I was okay with that too because they were going to a fishing spot that I believed they would be able to conquer pretty quickly and I had no doubt Allen would make sure our house was the priority. But, apparently, I am the only one in this entire country that realizes that we are only like 6 weeks away from having a baby.

So Allen and his dad didn't even touch the house. They didn't work on it at all. And quite frankly, I was pissed off. I had a mental breakdown and I exploded and I'm not ashamed either. I've been patiently sitting by Allen's side watching him work on our house, hardly ever saying anything about how long it's taking, hardly ever complaining about how much I hate our house. But there's only so much a woman can hold in. So after Relay, I discovered that Allen and his dad were still fishing and hanging out. Seriously, I was pissed, like if it hadn't been a phone call that I discovered this on, someone would have gotten slapped.

My husband has been working on just the baby's room for 7 months now. He has no job, well he does work part-time (like 10 hours a week), so there's really no excuse for him not to be finished with SOMETHING by now. Not only that, in the months we've been working hard to get this room finished, there have been very few people that have offered to help us. We are on a tight timeline and he needs help. I've helped when I could but I'm not allowed to do much right now. Allen said he's asked every man he knows to help and he's gotten a response from like 4. Only 1 of those 4 have actually helped. You would think his own dad would help, especially after Allen has driven down there a billion times to help his family out. I can't even begin to describe the anger I felt on Friday when I found out his dad had promised to help him and then conned him into fishing ALL day. I'm getting angry all over again just remembering.

So anyway, that was Friday. It made for a miserable night, especially for Allen who had to deal with my anger. I just don't think he understands how close we are and he definitely doesn't understand my need to "nest" and not being able to do so because the room isn't done!!!

On Saturday, I woke up still pissed off. Allen and I went to Lowes to pick up some things for the house and for the most part, we worked on the house all day long. Well Allen did. He was sanding and I can't be around that so I couldn't help. But he got the entire room sanded and he stayed up until 4 in the morning. Around 1 a.m., he had to take a break to run to Wal-Mart to pick me up some Tylenol because I was going through a horrific migraine headache. This was the worst one I've had in a while. I was throwing up and I could hear EVERYTHING and it made me want to rip my head off. But eventually, I got some drugs down and a heating pad on my head and neck and I was able to fall asleep. I woke up with just a minor after effect but on Sunday it was for the most part, gone.

Now, on to Sunday. We got a lot done to the house that day too. Allen got one of the windows framed in and got molding put on it. I got the closet painted and the rest of the room now has its blue paint on it. All that's left is the brown paint. We still didn't get enough done, or at least what I thought we'd do but hopefully Allen will get a swift kick in the you-know-what and realize we have a baby coming in 5 weeks now and this room is not the only one we have to tackle.

On Sunday, I managed to fall down. It was lovely. I had taken the dogs outside to play. Abby went into a little group of bushes/trees and was sniffing and digging around, which is not unusual for her. Sheba was just sitting outside, enjoying the hot sun. I kept hearing this squealing noise but couldn't figure out what it was. I started to walk over to Abby and then Sheba started running towards where Abby was. That's when I realized the squealing was coming from whatever Abby was digging. I assumed Abby had found an animal and was hurting it. My first thought was it was a mole because we have issues with moles in our yard. I started yelling at Abby to stop because I didn't want her to kill it. Then I look behind Abby and see this monster rabbit racing towards Abby and I realize it's not a mole, but it's a rabbit's nest Abby has found. The rabbit stops and I talk Abby into coming towards me, hoping she won't see the big rabbit. At first, she doesn't, then she does so she takes off after it. I start screaming for her to stop and I fear she will chase the stupid rabbit all the way into the woods so I attempt to run towards the house to get Allen so he can help me. I barely got started running when I fell. And yes, I fell right on my big, fat, pregnant stomach.

As I was going down, I thought about the baby and how I couldn't let him get hurt so I put my arms out to catch myself. But, instead of catching myself, I elbow my upper stomach really hard. It hurt really bad. I scream in pain, roll over and then realize that I still need to get Allen so I go to the window and start yelling for Allen. God knows what he thought was going on but I know I probably freaked him out. Once he realized I had fallen down, he was mad, mad at me, mad at Abby, mad at everybody. He was especially mad that I had fallen down trying to save baby rabbits.

Soooo, Allen goes to the nest and finds one little baby. It's not hurt at all. Apparently, Abby just sniffed it and poked it with her nose trying to figure out what it was. But it wasn't hurt at all. We took it inside wondering if the mama would come back for it. It was only a few weeks old and it was so cute!! My motherly instincts took over and I began to wonder how I could save this little baby. We ended up taking it back to the nest and reconfiguring the nest, hoping the mama would come back for it. There, we found 3 more babies. They were all unhurt too. But I, on the other hand, I was pretty hurt.

I think I jabbed myself right in the ribs. And I'm still hurting today. I called the doctor and he said if I wasn't bleeding, I was okay. So apparently, the baby is okay but I am not. The other bad news is the area that hurts is an area little Corbin likes to kick me in so every time he kicks me, I want to cry! So I guess I have to deal with this pain. If it continues for more than another day or two, I'm going to the doctor. Allen is worried I cracked a rib. I just think that maybe I bruised it. But either way it hurts.

So as you can see, I had a very exciting weekend, maybe even a little too exciting.

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