Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mother's Day

It's strange to think this will be my last Mother's Day as a non-mother. Next year, I will be getting hugs and kisses from my little boy. Now, Allen, on the other hand will be a daddy by time Father's Day rolls around though I'm not sure neither Corbin nor I will be able to do much for him. I'm sure we'll think of something though. Maybe Corbin will not cry for a whole night for Allen for Father's Day! Maybe I won't either!

Being a mom is scary. I didn't have a mom growing up. Well, I had mothering-types there but my mom wasn't there for me. It was hard but I know I was blessed to have women in my life that were there for me when I needed them. But still, I've always wondered if I'd know how to be a mother. I feel like I'd be a good daddy. I know a lot about sports and tough stuff like that. But mommy stuff?? Not so much. But maybe I'll surprise myself. This whole pregnancy has already surprised me a lot. I can already tell that mothering instinct is there. So we'll see....

But Mother's Day will be so much different for me now. I used to hate mother's day. I never realized how lucky I was to have the "mothers" I had until I was older so when I was little, Mother's Day served as a reminder to me of what I didn't have. Now, it reminds me of how lucky I am to have had women in my life to be there for me like a mother. Starting next year though, I will be a mother and I can sit on my throne for a whole day and be celebrated. Awesome!!!

1 comment:

  1. REBAMGIRL: I just stumbled onto your blog post from a Google search and wanted to tell you that your sweet entry about being a Mom for the first time touched me. : ) As a Mother struggling to survive the teen years with two daughters, it reminded me of how blessed I felt those first few Mothers Days, when "love you mamas" and grimey little hugs were the norm.

    I know that it sounds like a cliche', but cherish them when they are tiny!

    Congratulations to you and Allen and may blessings reign down upon your household!

