Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Big boys and big boy food

Well a lot has happened with my little boy since my last post about him. He is now officially eating stuff other than milk and by stuff, I mean baby cereal, baby food, his hands, his feet, his toys and the cat.

Corbin is officially an eater and boy, does he like to eat. I'm afraid he may be like his mommy and grandpa in that area. But I sure hope he has his daddy's metabolism and doesn't turn into a fatty like his mommy.

Typically, babies are ready to eat between 4 and 6 months. We kind of thought we'd wait until 5 or 6 months. Just before 4 months, Corbin didn't really seem ready. He wasn't really paying attention to us when we ate and he acted like he was getting filled up with his milk. But just a few days after he turned 4 months, that all changed. Corbin was drinking like 4 bottles when he woke up in the morning. That could be anywhere from 16 to like 22 ounces of milk before like 9 a.m.! And even then, he was still hungry.

So, on a Thursday, we decided to let him try some rice cereal. Rice cereal is what they say to feed babies first. It doesn't have much in it that could cause an allergic reaction and babies tend to like it. So on the way home from work that day, I swung by and got some rice cereal and also some oatmeal cereal. I got home a little earlier than usual so went ahead and decided to try the cereal out, in case there was a reaction of some sort. That way, we could still get up with the doctor.

All the magazines say it make take a time or two to get a kid adjusted to eating big boy food. They may reject the food at first, spit it out, make faces, etc., etc. So, I wasn't expecting much the first time.

We put Corbin in his Bumbo seat, snapped on a bib and made his cereal. Then we got our camera out (of course)! As the spoon was moving towards his face, Corbin grabbed it and shoved it into his mouth. And the food disappeared. That was it. After that, Corbin would fuss because we weren't fast enough. He ate a whole tablespoon of it and since that, he's been eating nonstop. He's a hungry little boy.

So far, he's tried apples, peaches, sweet potatoes and carrots and he's eaten all of them, though he does make some funny faces with some of them! There's been nothing he absolutely refused to try. I suppose that's a good thing.

It's so hard to believe we're already at this point. It truly seems like yesterday he was this little baby. And now, he's eating big boy food and possibly even starting to teeth. I think he's also ready for something other than baby food because now, when I eat, he tries to snatch my food away!!! Yep, this kid is definitely mine!

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