Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No more ultrasounds

So, Allen and I have had two ultrasounds. One in January and another in February. Both ultrasounds were at Rex Hospital at the UNC-CH satellite campus. Both ultrasounds were done to do extra special checks on Corbin's health, specifically to make sure his heart was the way it should be since there's a lot of family history in Allen's family of heart problems.

Allen and I went to both of these appointments with our nerves all tore up, especially at the first one. We were so worried about our little boy that it was hard to be excited about even getting to see him for the first time. The first appointment was when we found out it was a little boy but even that was overshadowed by us just wanting to be sure he was okay. At the second appointment, we felt better and weren't quite as nervous, but nonetheless, we were focused on his health so we didn't get to enjoy the ultrasound.

I know ultrasounds aren't meant for the parent's pleasure necessarily. They are strictly for medical purposes but nonetheless, they are what the parents look forward to.

I assumed because the first two ultrasounds were in Raleigh and were to do specific testing, we would get to have another ultrasound done later on at our local doctor. I recently found out we wouldn't. And I am not happy about that.

Neither of us really got to enjoy seeing the baby because we were so worried about everything measuring right and his heart being strong.

I'm trying to decide if I want to throw a temper tantrum over it and demand they do another one. Most parents get those 4D ultrasounds when they are further along and I was so excited about getting one of those so we could really see our little boy a lot better. GRRR.

I know I only have 2 more months to go before I see him but that's a long time!! I just want to see Corbin when I can be excited about it and truly savor the moment. If I had the money, I'd buy my own ultrasound machine!!!!

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