Tuesday, May 24, 2011

swollen everything

So my feet started slowly swelling not that long ago and at first it wasn't that noticeable. The doctor checks for swelling at each appointment and I've been lucky in that I have had very little....until recently.

On Monday, I woke up, got dressed for work and when I went to put my shoes on, I couldn't get my feet in them. So, I am now wearing flip flops until Corbin decides to come. Today, my feet are huge. It looks like they got stung by a bee. They are big and ugly. And my rings don't fit either and I have this weird thing about not wearing my wedding rings. It bothers me a lot.

My stomach has suddenly decided to grow a lot too. It's like my body all of a sudden realized I was pregnant. Good thing I only have two more weeks.

I have other things going on but quite frankly, I don't want to talk about them. I just want to go to somewhere and ball up and cry right now. That's just how I feel. And if I weren't such a fat, swollen person, I would probably do it. But I'm not sure I could even form a ball right now. Most of my body already looks like one anyway so maybe I'll just go stand in a corner and cry.

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