Friday, March 23, 2012

Sick baby

My little man has been sick. It's been over a week now and it's so hard to watch him be sick and not be able to do anything.

Right now, my whole family is sick. We are all dealing with the weather changing. I love, love, love the pretty weather but the pollen this year is horrible! We are all fighting allergies!

Corbin has been sneezing, coughing and dealing with a runny nose and he's so pitiful. The doctor is pretty sure it's allergies so all we can do right now is give him medicine but he's so little that he really can't take a whole lot of meds. The first few days of the medicine, he took lots of naps because it made him sleepy. But the last few days, he's been wide open. I think he finally feels better and I hope he's getting better. I definitely hate seeing him sick. But he's a tough little guy and he's done pretty good. It's hard being a working mom and not being able to be there when your kid is sick. Allen was home so that was good but poor Corbin didn't want his daddy. He wanted his mommy. And who could blame him? I am a much better cuddler than Allen!

The last few days, Corbin has woken up with one of his eyes stuck shut by all the gook. It's horrible! It's looking like we may have to go back to the doctor since he's just not getting better but we'll give it a few more days since he's acting like he actually feels better.

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