Thursday, November 1, 2012


Well, we have made it through another Halloween with no major incidents, unless you count Corbin biting the crap out of my arm. He wasn't even dressed as a vampire but somehow, he decided grabbing my arm and biting me right through my sweater would be super awesome funny. My screaming like a little girl didn't help matters either. He thought it was funny and tried to do it again.

So I guess I should say, aside from the teeth marks and bruise on my arm from little baby teeth, there were no major issues this Halloween.

I say that because Halloween is a touchy subject for Allen and I. We have very different opinions on Halloween.

Allen was raised to celebrate Halloween like it's the most important holiday ever. I wasn't really raised to think the opposite but I guess because I was raised in a christian atmosphere, I have different thoughts regarding Halloween. I actually despise Halloween. I find it to be an evil, stupid holiday. Allen thinks I'm crazy.

So, having children was bound to create some issues on this holiday. But, so far, we've managed to compromise and we've survived so far.

I can't really explain my feelings on Halloween. I just don't like it. I don't like being scared and I think scaring little kids is beyond mean. And, I think dressing up like demons and witches and evil stuff is just celebrating evil things. I'm a freak, I know but I don't like to be around anything that personifies evil so Halloween and me don't get along.

Corbin is still little so there's no desire yet for Allen to want to dress him as a ghost or goblin or devil but I guess it's something that's coming. And that's when we'll have issues. I've tried not to be too prude about Allen's desires to go all out for Halloween but it's hard since it now involves our kid. I've let Allen do what he normally does for Halloween and I just stay away or do something else.

Allen is actually starting to understand my side a little more since Corbin came along. He doesn't want to scare Corbin or do anything that will scar him for life so exposing him to monsters is not something he does right now. And, I've been able to actually sit down and talk to Allen and really explain why I don't care for Halloween. And instead of saying we WILL NOT celebrate Halloween, I've agreed to a compromise.

This year, we did a lot of church events. We went to a few trunk-or-treats and also went to town sponsored events. You really can't do the whole traditional trick-or-treating in neighborhoods anymore because people are nuts today and you really can't trust anyone.

But anywho, Corbin dressed up as Captain America and we did our thing.

We even decorated our yard but it was more of a Fall theme rather than scary stuff. That was another one of our compromises. We have pumpkins and stuff but we got some scarecrow things that are dressed like pirates so Allen was happy about that. It looks cute and so not scary, which I love!

Towards the end of everything, Corbin finally got the hang of it and started walking up to people with his hands out like "gimme gimme." He loved the act of getting stuff to put in his bucket. And I love that his cuteness got him extra candy. The candy aspect is certainly my favorite. But really, the day after Halloween is my favorite because candy goes on sale and I am nuts about Hershey bars right now. That's the one craving I've had in this pregnancy so I'm raiding the stores and stocking up on half-price Hershey bars.

For now, Allen and I are doing okay on our Halloween compromise. But once the boys are older, that may change. I guess we will wait and see.

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