Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sick babies

Well for the past week, I've had two sick boys. Devin and Corbin finally caught whatever it was that I had.

It started with just little, bitty coughs. Corbin started coughing a little but one day woke up with a really deap, croupy cough. It sounded horrible and the poor thing was pitiful. Since his cough was so bad, we called the doctor. Devin had started coughing on the day Corbin's cough got worse so we decided to tell the doctor about his cough that day too, thinking they could do something ahead of time to keep Devin from getting worse. That, of course, didn't happen. What did happen is I had to pay co-pays for both Devin AND Corbin to see the doctor and then basically wait for Devin to get really sick so I could take him back to the doctor and pay yet another co-pay. Doctor's offices are so lovely.

Anyway, Corbin's cough has lasted over a week but it's not as bad now. He went maybe 2-3 days with a really bad cough. But not, his cough is better and he has a runny nose. Devin had a bad cough for about the same and right now his cough should be almost gone. But what a rough week it was!

Sick kids is not fun!

Devin actually took his cough like a tough little man. I guess he's used to feeling like crap so a little cough didn't phase him much. But poor Corbin, he hardly ever gets sick so this cold really kicked his butt. He has been a handful!

I have felt horrible about passing on my cold to them but it was inevitable. I'm just shocked that Allen hasn't caught it. He never gets sick and although I am thankful, I'm also a little bit jealous! It's not fair!

This year has certainly been one for the books in doctors visits and sickness. I hope this round of colds is the last thing we have to deal with for the REST of the year!

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