Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Finally time!

Well, the time has finally come.

Allen's karate school is starting up next week.

I'm super excited for him. He's worked really hard on this and has really been patiently waiting for God to pull things together.

Most importantly, he's let God take over his business. That, to me, is what will make it a success.

But I'm still worried. There's a lot of involved in starting a business.

Allen is very confident it'll work and as his wife, I've been as supportive as I can be. And it's been hard. There's a lot of people who haven't supported Allen in this. They take he is crazy and I'm crazy for letting him do this.

But you know, Allen and I have spent the last 10 years taking chances. We are risk takers.

I can't imagine how hard it must be to not know what your calling in life is. But that's how Allen has been for that past few years. He's bounced around trying to find his calling in life.

When he gave his life to God in 2010, that's when things finally came together for him. And that's when God gave him his calling. So you know, how can you not support that?

I envision this business will thrive and that not only will Allen teach kid's karate, he'll teach kids about God. I imagine this business will make us a better Christian couple and will help us in our marriage. I imagine this business will make us better parents and overall, just better people.

I don't imagine it making us rich. It won't.

But, if it will give Allen a career and still allow him to be home during the day with our kids, I'll be happy.

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