Tuesday, November 30, 2010

13 weeks!

I'm getting closer and closer to my second trimester! I can't wait, for lots of reasons. One is I am hopeful this morning sickness mess will go away. I am tired of throwing up!!! But I'm also excited because I'm pass the "miscarriage" stage and I can worry less and try to enjoy the pregnancy a little more. I'm sure I'll still worry though because miscarriages can occur at any time. And, I'm excited because it means I'm further along and soon will be able to feel the baby moving around and kicking and stuff. HOPEFULLY, I'll be able to see the baby soon too! 

I thought I was finally through with the sick stuff but the last week has been awful. I'm back to throwing up except for now, it's very random. Before, I felt sick and would feel like I had to throw up. Now, I just all of a sudden throw up. But I've learned to throw up and move on. It doesn't even bother me all that much anymore. 

Thanksgiving this year was nice. We were able to make it through the whole day without any issues. Typically, each year, Allen's mom gets mad over something. She doesn't seem to understand that I have a family too and that I want to spend time with my family just as much as we want to spend time with her. So it's taken us years to get that through her head. She probably hates to have to share us but she at least is now trying to not complain and start drama anymore. I understand that it's probably hard to not have Allen all to herself for holidays. I'm sure my dad and family feel the same way. We're trying really hard to spend time with both families as much as we can. This year, we cooked lunch for Mama Ruth and ate with her and my Uncle Ralph, Aunt Louise, his granddaughter Jaimi and her husband and daughter. My Aunt Darlene and dad were there as well. I enjoyed being able to cook for them and prove that I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to being a domestic woman. My Uncle Ralph was taken to the hospital though and that really freaked me out. But it seems he's going to be okay so that's good news. Mama Ruth has been sick too and I'm really worried about her. I think she's probably depressed about Uncle Dean but also her health is not doing great. She doesn't seem to be taking her medicine like she should. I pray that God gives her the strength to get back on her feet and get better. 

That afternoon, we went to Allen's moms house and had dinner. We had told them from the very beginning what time we'd be there and every year, it's around the same time. And, every year, they usually don't eat until 5 or 6.  But this year, they ate early and ate without us. That really hurt our feelings because they knew what time we were coming and they've always done it this way but then all of a sudden, they decide to eat early. But we still got to eat cold leftovers and spend time with his family, which really is the point of Thanksgiving anyway. I imagine having a child will make all this running around even more stressful. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. 

So I go to the doctor next week and I am very hopeful I'll get an ultrasound. I'm also hoping we can talk the doctor into letting us come back right before Christmas and finding out what we're having! That may not work but I'm going to try. I'll be 16 weeks the week of Christmas so I should possibly be able to find out what it is. I am so excited I can't wait. Since Allen and I aren't really exchanging presents this year, finding out what sex our baby is will be the best present ever. But of course, that may not happen and we may have to wait a few more weeks. If so, it'll be probably the first week of January. I can wait, I guess. I'm just really curious to know!!!

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