Thursday, January 27, 2011

Here I am, with nothing remotely interesting to say but when I am feeling this way, I write. It's what I do. It's what I've always done. So I came to this blog hoping to get it all out but now that I am here, well.....

I don't know what to say.

I'm just a little hurt right now. And alone. It seems like I'm always saying how alone I feel. I know, in the grand scheme of things, I'm not entirely alone. I mean, I have family and I have God and I do have a friend or two. Ok, just one friend. But still, when things are tough and I need someone to talk to, it just seems like no one is there. I talk to God but He doesn't exactly talk back to me. So it's not the same.

I'm overly sensitive right now and the people in my life just don't understand. I'm pregnant and emotional and I need attention and love and all that stuff. I need my husband to go above and beyond. I want flowers and candy and love notes. I want him to not be so stupid and to be more understanding. I'm carrying a human inside me, for God's sake.

I want my dad to show some type of emotion about his grandson. I mean, for God's sake, I have not been able to tell once that he's happy, sad, excited, angry or indifferent about this whole thing. It's so hard not having a woman in your life when you're going through something like this. I just want my dad to be happy for me and proud of me. But I will probably never hear those words. I guess he just thinks I know. It reminds me of that Reba song, "The Greatest Man I Never Knew." That's my dad. And right now, it's hard.

God, I feel like I need to be sitting in a therapist's chair.

I guess it will all work out, well the emotional side of me will eventually straighten out. The men in my life, well I guess they will always be idiots.

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