Saturday, June 11, 2011

New arrival

So, it's been a while since I've written on here. I've been a little busy, you know with giving birth and getting used to my new life with a newborn.

Yep, I had little Corbin. He came early, as I was kind of thinking he would. It was a pretty dramatic arrival too. He was born on Monday, May 30 at 7:25 p.m. but he started coming on Saturday, May 28. On that day, Allen and I bought a new minivan. Well it's not new but a 2005 but nonetheless it's new to us. We love it and apparently, bought it just in time. That afternoon we went to a movie with my dad. Nothing really was out of the ordinary to make me think I'd go into labor several hours later. Around 11 or 12 midnight, I started having contractions. I tried to time them and all that good stuff and finally around 3 a.m., we decided to head to the emergency room. When we got there, they said I wasn't dilated enough so after around 2 hours, they sent me home. Later that evening, which was Sunday, the contractions got worse so Allen insisted we go back. He got a little ugly with the doctor so they gave me some drugs this time around. And after a little morphine, they sent me home again, saying I still wasn't dilated enough to do anything. Basically, just deal with the horrible contractions and come back when the baby's head is sticking out of your you-know-what.

So, the contractions subsided for maybe an hour and then they came back. We got home around 8:30 on Sunday night. Around 11:30, as I was trying to make my way to the bathroom, my water broke, so off to the hospital we went, again. This time they kept me.

They had to induce me some so I would dilate faster but I still didn't dilate enough the full way until around 2:30 or 3:30 p.m. on Monday. From then on, it was hell, pure hell, let me tell you.

I have never been in so much pain in all my life. I thought I was going to die. I had been through 30 hours of labor already and I was so tired. I hadn't eaten anything and they wouldn't let me eat anything but stinking ice chips. But finally, we were ready to start pushing. I pushed and I pushed and I pushed and I pushed. Corbin tried to come out naturally but after hours of pushing, he got stuck and I had to have a c-section.

C-sections suck. I hate them. Though they are quick and easy, the recovery process is awful. But Corbin finally arrived.

There's so much to tell but I have a newborn that's screaming at me so I can't really tell you much else right now. Hopefully I can get back into the blog writing thing soon and update you on the last 2 weeks.

But Corbin is here and he's a happy, healthy little boy. I couldn't be more proud. I'm in love with this little boy, even when he cries and screams and throws temper tantrums.

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