Monday, February 20, 2012

apple pie and bananas

I am pretty excited about the title of this blog because I just made it up right out of the clear, blue sky. And now, I have to find a way to incorporate apple pie and bananas into this blog.

So here goes....

Corbin has not had apple pie yet but he has had bananas and he seems to be mixed on what he thinks about them. He makes funny faces when he eats bananas as baby food but when he eats fresh pieces of bananas, he seems quite content. But my little boy likes to eat and so far, there hasn't been much, if anything, that he's turned down.

Speaking of Corbin, he's 38 weeks old. He's getting pretty close to his first birthday! Scary! In just a few more months, I'll have a one-year-old.

So far, my favorite part about being a mommy is seeing him smile. I love, love, love it when that kid smiles at me. He has a pretty melting heart type of smile so I'm concerned about all the hearts he will probably break. Laughing with him is at the top of the list too. He has the cutest, little laugh. I love to make him laugh and right now, it's pretty easy.

I was unsure about how I'd do at this whole mommy thing and even though I would definitely not proclaim myself mother of the year (especially since I poked Corbin in the eye today), I feel like I've done a pretty good job. Corbin is still alive and he hasn't been to the emergency room yet. I like motherhood. It gives me a new sense of purpose. That, I like.

So, in a nutshell, motherhood is nothing like apple pie and bananas. It's way better!

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