Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Down to the short rows

Well I'm down to the short rows, as they say, and right now, I am very miserable. I'm at that stage where I want this baby out of me! I'm having a lot of problems this go around and I will be happy when it's over.

So, by my calculations, I have 17 days until my surgery date. Now, whether I make it that long is up to this little fella. I hope he waits because I am not ready! Our house is not ready, our finances are not ready, and well, I'm just not ready. But, on the other hand, I don't know if I can keep this baby in me 17 more days.

On top of everything else, I started sniffling this weekend and by Monday, I was sick. I feel horrible. My nose is all runny, my head feels like it's going to explode and I just feel like crap. Oh and I'm back to barfing again. Great! Of course, you can't take but certain medications and I don't like to medicate myself when pregnant but this time, I went and bought me some doctor-approved meds and am taking them now. I hope it kicks this thing, whatever it is, out of me.

I'm excited about meeting the little guy. He's driven me crazy for nine whole months and I am wondering what he'll be like. Hopefully because he's made me so sick, he'll be a nice, quiet, happy baby. I guess we'll see.

And, I'm a little scared too. Boys are a handful and Corbin is a gigantic handful. Soon, I will have two of them!

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