Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holy heartburn

So, I have 10 more days and quite frankly, I'm starting to hope I don't make it the next 10 days. I hope I go now. Like right now. That's how miserable I am!

This pregnancy has sucked. Seriously. It has been the worst 9 months ever! I've been sick constantly and I have felt like crap for 9 months straight. There has been no pregnancy glow this time. The best thing about this pregnancy will be when this child gets out of my stomach and into my arms.

Last week, I developed some sort of cold/flu. I woke up coughing, sniffling, aching and throwing up. I had it for a whole week and because of work, I couldn't take off a single day. That probably prolonged it and made it last longer. But I'm trying to get all my stuff done at work to prepare for both me and my publisher's absence.

I have spread the fun to Allen and Corbin and I feel awful. My poor little boy had a temperature over 100 degrees for like 3 days and now he's coughing and crying like it's hurting. I hope he feels better soon because he's breaking my heart. I tried really hard to stay away from him but when you live with someone, it's hard to stay away!

So, on top of all the typical pregnancy sickness, I've had to deal with this nasty mess too.

Now, I've moved on to having heartburn and let me tell you, if you have never had heartburn, I pray you never experience it. It is the worst thing ever. It's like someone has reached inside your chest and is squeezing the crap out of your chest. It burns, it aches, it hurts! I never had heartburn with Corbin. After he was born, I experienced mild heartburn for like a day. With this kid, I've had it maybe 2-3 times and it hasn't been so bad. But the past few days, I've developed severe heartburn, so bad it's making me throw up. I've taken to eating Tums, one after another. It's the only relief I have found so far.

Everything that has happened thus far I've been able to brave but heartburn, I can't handle it. I would rather continue barfing than deal with this.

I am hopeful I can make it until Dec. 21 which is when I'm scheduled for my c-section. I still have things that need to get done but if I continue to feel like this, I won't be getting anything done anyway so he may as well come on now!

I know once he gets here, I'll forget all this mess. It's just hard to see it right now because it's been so miserable.

So, here's to Tums and December 21.

1 comment:

  1. I am totally with you here. I told William the other day that between the fertility drugs and pregnancy I've been a weird crazy crappy feeling version of myself! December 21st!
